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"If we teach today's students as we taugh yesterday's, we rob them of tomorrow."

        ~John Dewey

Welcome to my digital portfolio! My name is Lindsay Krueger, and I am excited to share with you my learning journey with you!


I have 23 years in education and have taught elementary and high school education. I am currently an Instructional Technology Coach at Caldwell ISD. I have a strong background in both education and technology, which allows me to bridge the gap between teachers' instructional practices and the usage of technology tools. Throughout my career, I have implemented various educational technologies such as learning management systems, multimedia tools, and interactive learning tools.


Throughout these courses, I hope to explore technology and education, discovering new and innovative ways to enhance learning experiences in my role as an instructional coach. This portfolio will serve as a showcase of the knowledge, skills, and projects I have developed throughout this program. This portfolio will also serve as a reflection of my personal growth and development.


My goal as an educator and instructional technology coach is to empower teachers to become confident and proficient in using technology, leading to increase student engagement and improved academic achievement in my district.


I look forward to learning, and adding reflections and innovative ideas throughout this digital portfolio.


Best regards,

Lindsay Krueger 


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