Lindsay Krueger
Caldwell ISD - Instructional Technology Coach
At a very young age, learning was ingrained in me by my parents. My mother was an educator and I would sit in her classroom after hours while she was prepping for the upcoming day. I would instruct my imaginary students in reading, writing, math, and science. As a child, I recognized the significance of education and developed a deep passion for acquiring knowledge. Learning has always felt natural to me. Throughout my school years, I discovered that my enthusiasm for learning soared when I understood the concepts of real-world applications. Knowing how knowledge could be relevant outside the classroom inspired me to dive deeper into those subjects. I loved anything that had to do with technology. I loved taking things apart to find out how it worked. I would find ways to conduct experiments with things I found around me. I knew at an early age that I desired to share this sense of discovery with others which led me to pursue a career in teaching.
When I started my teaching journey, educational technology was less advanced than it is today. Then, our technology consisted of educational videos using DVDs with a TV that was wheeled in on a cart. Our “smartboards” were projectors that were projected on a whiteboard where we used dry-erase markers to highlight content. If we were lucky we had one first-generation iPod. Back then, my teaching methods were drastically different from what they are today. Technology has revolutionized the field of education in unimaginable ways. In my current district, every classroom has an interactive SMART board. My lab is full of Apple computers and we use cloud-based programs that stay up to date. Our campuses are all 1:1 with Chromebooks and students have various educational apps at the tips of their fingers, fostering engagement and student-centered learning. Technology has forever transformed the learning experience for our students.
As an instructional technology coach, I have a deep passion for exploring and understanding how technology can enhance teaching and learning. Technology enables us to tailor instruction to individual student needs and empowers them to take ownership of their learning. It provides students with the freedom to express themselves through authentic projects that demonstrate their mastery of content. Technology elevates learning, taking away the limitations of traditional worksheets, which are merely tools for assessment. As an instructional technology coach, staying up-to-date with the latest educational technology tools, platforms, and trends is imperative. Having a dedication to creating engaging, student-centered learning experiences is also important. Technology should be leveraged to empower students to take control of their learning to develop 21st-century skills. I have a strong passion for facilitating professional development for educators which is essential. I am dedicated to helping teachers build the skills and confidence necessary to effectively integrate technology into their classrooms. I am committed to promoting responsible technology use, digital citizenship, and data privacy which is critical. This includes educating both educators and students about ethical and safe online behavior. I am passionate about ensuring that technology is used to bridge educational gaps and promote equity. I am actively working to reduce the digital divide and advocate for technology solutions that cater to diverse learner needs. I have a strong belief in the importance of lifelong learning, both for myself and the educators I support. I am passionate about continuous self-improvement in the rapidly evolving field of instructional technology.
Although most schools now possess some form of technology, I believe that in Texas, we need to focus on securing funding for Title 1 schools to provide more instructional technology coaches. In my district, this position has just recently been added, and I am the only one. We must be provided funding for 1:1 devices, and teacher training to effectively integrate technology into a curriculum aligned with state standards. Teachers lack the time to independently create technology-based lessons, master new apps, or train their students without proper support. Technology coaches can bridge this gap by working collaboratively with teachers to help them become more successful utilizing technology. As educators, it is our duty to prepare students for a technology-rich workplace, and this requires a collaborative effort supported by adequate funding. Curriculum should be adapted to incorporate digital literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Continued research into effective digital learning practices and innovative technologies should be encouraged. Additionally, embracing blended learning, where students assume control of their education, is a vital step toward breaking free from the idea that learning solely revolves around numerical grades and standardized tests.
My Learning Manifesto:
As an Instructional Technology Coach, I aim to address educational challenges by advocating for policies, providing teacher training, and promoting collaboration. I hope to ensure equitable access to technology, help educators integrate it effectively, and share resources. I as a coach would like to facilitate networking among schools, emphasize digital literacy, and stay current on emerging technology. I play a role in data analysis, and promoting responsible digital citizenship. It is also important to gain the support of parents and the community to support diverse learning needs, and gather feedback for improvement. My role is to bridge the gap between technology and effective teaching by promoting a balanced and inclusive digital education environment. In the future, I am eager to see how future technology innovations will reshape education and redefine how students learn.
In summary, as an instructional technology coach, my passion is to leverage technology to enhance education, promote responsible and equitable digital learning, and continuously strive for improvement in the educational technology field. I plan to stay informed about emerging issues at various levels of education to be an effective advocate and facilitator of change.