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Image by Mathilda Khoo

Module 2:

Implementation Questions:


What Learning Management System (LMS) or other digital sharing platforms like Google Docs are you planning to use? Why?:

  • I plan on using Google Classroom as my LMS. Our district is a Google Distict and we are required to have a Google Classroom set up for each of our courses.


How will you implement the Overview/Introduction/Start Here Module or section of your course including videos, documents, and related resources?

  • My course layout will start with a Getting Started section.

  • This section will include the class course objectives, syllabus, & 3-column table.

  • Students will be able to refer back to this section when needed for important information and links.


How will you implement the first 1-2 Modules of your course including videos, documents, and related resources?

  • My sections will be broken down into units. Each unit I will have an introduction video/slideshow to the lesson along with a hands-on activity and class discussion.

  • At the end of each week, students will add to their ePortfolios. This will allow them to reflect on the week's assignments.


How will you use media to support and enhance learning?

  • We will utilize online platforms like Adobe's Creative Cloud tutorials to demonstrate specific techniques in graphic design. Interactive tutorials can allow students to learn at their own pace and revisit concepts as needed. 

  • I will have guest speakers such as graphic designers or illustrators for in class and virtual presentations. They can share insights into their creative process, industry trends, and career paths, inspiring students and providing valuable real-world perspectives.

  • Students will create digital ePortfolios showcasing their design projects. Here they can collaborate and get and receive peer feedback. Students will be assigned multimedia projects that incorporate various forms of media, such as combining graphic design with video editing, animation, or web design. This approach encourages creativity and allows students to explore different mediums to communicate their ideas effectively.


Lecture in a digital age? When are lectures appropriate and how can they best be used?

Lectures can still be appropriate in a digital age, particularly when they are used to convey complex concepts, provide context, or introduce new topics. However, they should be supplemented with interactive elements such as discussions, group activities, or multimedia content to keep learners engaged and facilitate deeper understanding. I plan on only using lectures when there is specific text aligned with the topic or while introducing topics. 


What are your thoughts regarding apprenticeships in university and online environments?

Apprenticeships can be valuable in both university and online environments as they provide hands-on, real-world experience that complements learning. In online environments, apprenticeships can be facilitated through virtual internships, remote mentorship programs, or project-based collaborations with industry partners.


"Cognitive overload" is discussed in one of your videos. What are your thoughts on addressing this issue?

To address cognitive overload, it's important to design learning experiences that are paced appropriately, chunk information into manageable segments, and provide opportunities for reflection and application. I plan on utilizing multimedia and interactive activities that will help reduce cognitive load and enhance learning retention. 


Will your course include experiential learning? If not, how is it different than a traditional f2f experience? Explain.

Experiential learning can be incorporated into a course through simulations, case studies, internships, or hands-on projects. My course will include experiential learning by engaging students in hands-on experiences and reflection. Learners will apply knowledge in real-world contexts through hands-on learning, online collaborations, or project-based assignments.


How are you relating your teaching methods to the knowledge and skills needed by your learners in a digital age?

I am incorporating teaching methods that emphasize critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and digital literacy skills, which are essential in this digital age. This includes utilizing technology tools for learning, creating online communities for peer feedback and collaboration, and providing opportunities for learners to explore technologies that are relevant to their field.


If you have been working as a collaborative team, how do you feel about teaching an online or blended course independently?

Teaching online or blended courses independently can offer flexibility and autonomy but it also requires careful planning, organization, and self-motivation. I will still have face-to-face learning with students daily. This will help address any questions or issues they may have.


What standards for professional learning will you need to address as you develop your course?

As I develop my course, I will need to address standards for professional learning such as alignment with curriculum standards and industry requirements, accessibility, and assessment practices that measure student learning outcomes effectively, and ongoing professional development for myself to stay current with best practices and emerging trends in online education.



Video Questions:


Where does the Overview/Introduction/Start Here module fit into the overall course map or design?

The Start Here module serves as the beginning point for students, providing them with essential information to begin the course. It's positioned at the very beginning of the course map to ensure students have a clear understanding of the course objectives, expectations, and resources available to them.


How is your instructional design approach realized in the modules?

The instructional design approach focuses on a structured yet interactive learning experience. Modules are organized into weekly units, each starting with an introduction video to set the context for the upcoming topics. Hands-on activities and class discussions engage students in active learning, while the ePortfolios encourage reflection and portfolio building.


Where are you sharing the main course goal and outcomes with your learners?

The main course goal and outcomes are shared in the Getting Started section, ensuring students are aware of what they are expected to achieve by the end of the course. Each unit also has the learner outcomes listed at the beginning of the section. This shows the Learning Goals, Learning Activities, and Assessment Activities that they will complete with the unit. 


How does the module align outcomes activities and assessment?

Each module aligns with the course outcomes using activities designed to help students meet those outcomes. Assessments are integrated into the weekly activities and projects, allowing students to demonstrate their understanding and skills in graphic design.


Is this student-centered or teacher-led?

The course design is more student-centered, with activities focused on engaging students in active learning and reflection. However, there's still a teacher-led component, especially in providing guidance, feedback, and facilitating discussions.


What is the scope or range of the instructor’s role (i.e. Presenter, Facilitator, Coach, Mentor)?

The instructor has many roles including presenting and introducing topics, facilitating discussions and activities, coaching and providing guidance and feedback, and mentoring by sharing insights and perspectives.


Is the course blended or fully online?

The course is blended where students will dive into the content in class but they are able to leverage the digital platforms like Google Classroom and Adobe Creative Cloud for instruction, collaboration, and assessment outside of the classroom setting.


How are you introducing the course and yourself and how are you building the learning community?

The course and instructor are introduced through the Getting Started section, where students learn about the course structure, objectives, and the instructor's role. Building the learning community will increase collaboration through activities, discussions, and peer feedback within the online platform.


What is the ratio or percentage of synchronous to asynchronous collaboration?

The course has a high emphasis on asynchronous collaboration, with students engaging in activities, discussions, and project work at their own pace throughout the week. However, synchronous collaboration occurs during live class discussions or guest speaker presentations.


How will you address the infrastructure, system, and support needs and issues the learner may face?

Infrastructure, system, and support needs are addressed through the choice of the Google Classroom platform, which is supported by our district. Additionally, I as the instructor will provide guidance and support resources within my course to help students navigate technical issues or access required tools and resources.


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