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Module 3: Usability and Reflection


Completing the Usability testing aspect of the course design has been enlightening. It has revealed both strengths and areas for improvement within the course. I gathered feedback from various sources. Firstly, a former Graphics Design educator provided insights from the perspective of someone who has taught the course before. She offered valuable input on the expected outcomes for students. Additionally, feedback from an educator who will teach the course next year was insightful, particularly regarding the course's ease of use and organization as well as the activities added. Input from current Graphics Design students was also valuable in understanding the student experience of using the online course having taken this course already. I feel my choice of people chosen to complete the usability testing was the right fit. I chose people with different aspects, one who has taught the course, one who will be teaching the course next year, and students who are currently taking the course. 


I selected Google Classroom as my platform because students and stakeholders are already accustomed to it as our district's LMS. This choice was straightforward as all stakeholders have access to the platform. All course materials were created using Google Workspace or easily accessible through Google Classroom. Stakeholders noted their familiarity with the platform and found the course to be user-friendly. For the survey, I utilized Google Forms. I designed 10 questions covering modules, content, navigation, and ease of use. The survey included various question types such as yes/no, ratings, and short answers, allowing me to gather valuable feedback for revising and enhancing the course.


Overall, the feedback was largely positive, with only a few areas requiring attention. I attribute this to the implementation of Google Classroom, which ensures all materials are readily available for students. Our district has required teachers to utilize Google Classrooms post Covid therefore I felt using Google Classroom was the best choice. Additionally, usability test users expressed that the courses layout was user-friendly and the organization of the course within the Google Classroom LMS was easy to follow. They appreciated the neatly laid out modules and content, which eliminated the need to search for resources or course documents, thanks to Google Classroom's user-friendly templates.


Based on feedback from usability testing, I made adjustments to

the course design by refining instructions and supplementing

resources where necessary. I eliminated any elements that could

potentially confuse or disrupt the learning experience, ensuring

clarity and smooth progression throughout the course. There

were a few activities that need more instructions to clarify

expectations. Overall, the adjustments that needed to be made

thus far are minimal. 


This process has significantly enhanced both the course itself and the overall experience for learners. Having diverse perspectives throughout the usability testing phase proved to be valuable. While the overall clarity and organization of the course were good, the insights provided by the various stakeholders allowed me to reassess certain aspects of the course. Hearing feedback from fellow educators and students offered fresh insights and allowed a more open-minded approach towards refining the course content and structure. Their input enabled me to identify areas for improvement that I may not have noticed otherwise, ultimately resulting in a more effective learning experience for all participants.

Conducting usability testing has enhanced my comprehension of students' digital requirements and what is needed for a better learning experience. Collaborating with fellow educators has provided valuable insights from their perspectives. Being an instructional technology coach, I will be able to help troubleshoot any issues that may arise. If I am unable to fix the issue, our district's technology department would be an available resource. 

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Cummings, D. H. T. T. (2018, January). Choice, Ownership and Voice Through Authentic Learning.


Davis, V. (2015, April 15). 8 top tips for highly effective PD. Edutopia; George Lucas Educational 



Mathur, S. (2023, April 14). 83 Post-Training Feedback Surveys Questions to Ask (2024). Whatfix. Retrieved April 30, 2024, from

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