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Implementing ePortfolios in the Classroom:
Professional Development Outline

This Professional Learning Plan Outline provides a framework for developing a comprehensive professional learning plan that incorporates the key principles of effective professional development, fosters collaboration, addresses the needs of the target audience, and utilizes instructional design. 

                     Course Structure



Session 1: Introduction to ePortfolios​

  • Call to Action

  • Defining ePortfolios and their benefits

  • Exploring different ePortfolio platforms and tools

  • Case studies of successful ePortfolio implementations

Weekly Task: choose an ePortfolio platform 

Resource: Review and links of different platforms


Session 2: Planning and Designing ePortfolio

  • Identifying learning outcomes and assessment criteria

  • Rubric creation and assessment design

  • Addressing privacy and ethical considerations

  • Begin "About Me" page of ePortfolio

Weekly Task: Complete ePortfolio "About Me" ​

Resource: Privacy and ethical information


Session 3: Building and Organizing ePortfolios

  • Hands-on training with ePortfolio tools

  • Structuring and organizing content 

  • Design principles for effective ePortfolios

  • Adding additional pages to ePortfolio

Weekly Task: Share ePortfolio link on discussion link for feedforward

Resources: Access to forum where learners can link portfolios and can receive and leave feedforward

Access to discussion forum with links to recorded videos of guided learning


Session 4: Implementing ePortfolios in the Classroom

  • Developing a classroom implementation plan

  • Integrating ePortfolios into lesson plans

  • Strategies for engaging students in the process

Weekly Task: Add implementation plan to ePortfolio and leave feedback on at least 2 peers ePortfolio​


Session 5: Ongoing Support and Reflection

  • Providing continuous feedback and support to educators

  • Monitoring progress and making necessary adjustments

  • Reflecting on the impact of ePortfolios on student learning and teaching practice

  • Collaborative sharing of best practices and challenges with peers

Weekly Task: Add a reflection on your experience with your ePortfolio


Beyond the PD: 

Continued support will be provided with checkins, ongoing communication and collaboration within departments. 


Course Activities:​

  • Hands-on practice with ePortfolio platforms.

  • Case studies and group discussions.

  • Peer reviews of ePortfolios.

  • Personal reflection and journaling.

  • Collaborative projects and sharing of best practices.

Course Overview:

The "Implementing ePortfolios in the Classroom" professional development course is designed to empower teachers with the knowledge and skills to integrate ePortfolios into their educational practice effectively. Eportfolios are a powerful tool for assessment, reflection, and showcasing student work. This course offers a comprehensive approach to ongoing support, guidance, and modeling to ensure successful implementation.



With the evolving demands of the workforce, our CTE programs recognize the need to incorporate eportfolios effectively to prepare students for their future careers. By leveraging digital tools and presentation, students can not only become better equipped for their future careers but also gain valuable experience in adapting the digital world around them. This course will help educators align their curriculum more closely with the needs of today's careers and equips students with the tools to excel in their chosen professions.


Course Duration:

This course is designed to span over 5 weeks during the PLC period, allowing participants to dive deep into the concept of eportfolios and apply their learning progressively in their classrooms.


Course Objectives:

  • Understand the concept and purpose of ePortfolios in education.

  • Learn to select the appropriate ePortfolio platform and tools.

  • Design effective ePortfolio assessment strategies.

  • Create a structured plan for ePortfolio implementation in the classroom.

  • Provide ongoing support and guidance for educators and students in developing their ePortfolios.

  • Reflect on the impact of ePortfolios on teaching and learning.

  • Share best practices and collaborate with fellow educators.
































































Within my course plan, a combination of in-person and online meetings will be available to facilitate continuous communication among educators and with the instructor. Educators will attend weekly PLC meetings in order to collaborate and recieve support. There will be weekly discussion boards to encourage sustained collaboration and ongoing engagement with the instructor. 



Lead Instructional Technology Coach and Instructional Learning Coaches will lead various components of the PL plan. The Lead Instructional Technology Coach will manage session logistics, while Instructional Learning Coaches will provide content-specific guidance and mentoring.


Audience and Their Needs:

  • The target audience of CTE educators with diverse levels of experience and expertise will serve as pilots to implement ePortfolios. I will then expand to other departments. 

  • A needs assessment survey will identify the need for improving eportfolio integration skills, aligning assessment with career readiness, and enhancing student digital literacy.

  • The plan is designed to address these needs through targeted learning experiences and ongoing support.


Instructional Design:

Instructional Design Framework of the PL plan will utilize a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) and a 3 Column Table framework to set ambitious eportfolio integration goals and create a structured action plan. The reasoning behind using the BHAG and 3 Column Table frameworks provide a clear structure for setting and achieving goals while breaking down the process into manageable steps The design overview of the plan will incorporate BHAGs, clear eportfolio integration objectives, activities, and assessments in the 3 Column Table format.
































































  • District provided laptop with access to eportfolio platforms

  • Access to online collaboration tools.

  • Chosen eportfolio platform

  • Content-specific resources




























































Potential challenges may include technology hurdles and alignment with specific career pathways. Other challenges may be hesitant educators who are concerned about the potential lack of time, the perceived difficulty of mastering technology, or the overwhelming workload they already have. These challenges will be addressed through the ongoing support and collaboration fostered by the plan.


Assessment and Certification:

Participants will be assessed based on their engagement in discussions, completion of assignments, and the development of their own ePortfolio. Upon successful completion, they will receive a certificate of participation and CPE Hours.


By offering a comprehensive, interactive, and ongoing professional development course, educators will be better equipped to implement ePortfolios in their classrooms effectively, ultimately enhancing student learning and reflective practices.





Gulamhussein, A. (2013, September) Teaching_Effective_Professional_Developmt.pdf. Dropbox.


Thomas, D., & Brown, J. S. (2011). A new culture of learning: Cultivating the imagination for a world of constant change.

Lexington, KY: CreateSpace.

5 Key Principles
3 column table
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