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Writer's pictureLindsay Krueger

The Head follows the Heart

To create change, it is possible to make change in small increments and still make a positive impact. When you start with the "why?" this reaches the limbic part of our brain which is for decision making. The most successful companies know that getting us to buy into them means they have to reach out to the heart and lead with "why".

John Kotter's ideas about change suggest that it's important to make people feel like they really need to change and do it quickly. This is different from the usual way of talking about change, which focuses on giving people facts and reasons to change.

Kotter's approach says that it's not enough to just give logical reasons for change. People's feelings and emotions are also important. When people care about why the change is happening and feel like they need to do something about it, they're more likely to actually make the change.

It's really important to explain why the change needs to happen. When people understand why, they see why it's a good idea and why it's a problem if things stay the same. This makes them want to act fast. By explaining the reasons for change and making people care about it, leaders can make them want to change quickly and effectively.


Kotter, J. (2011, March 23). Dr. John Kotter - The Heart of Change. YouTube. Retrieved August 19, 2023, from

Kotter, J. (2013, August 15). Leading Change: Establish a Sense of Urgency. YouTube. Retrieved August 19, 2023, from

Sinek, S. (2009). Start with why: How great leaders inspire action. YouTube. Retrieved August 19, 2023, from

Photo: "Sun Heart" Chang Duong by public domain image - Unsplash.

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