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  • Writer's pictureLindsay Krueger

I'm Going Back to School!

Updated: Jun 30, 2023

Where do I begin? A few months ago I had this hair-brained idea of going back to school to get my masters! I mentioned this to Gary, my husband, and expected his reaction to be, "You're too old", or "Are you crazy?" Instead, he looked me straight in the eyes and said to me, "I think you should!" I looked at him confused. "You can do it!" Not what my brain wanted to hear, but my heart was excited. I signed up the next day to go back and get my Master of Education in Applied Digital Learning. I was certain that it would be a breeze! I just helped my students conquer an online dual-credit learning course on Child Development. This would be a piece of is something I know and love!

Fast forward to a month later...Now I am thinking..."What was I thinking!!!" This course has taken me on a whirlwind of a ride in the last week. I have no idea if I am cut out for school, but I am going to try my best! I am excited to be a role model for my daughter and teach her that you are never too old to try something new and that you are never "stuck" in life. There are always new doors to open and new paths to follow! Stay tuned to see if I can make it through! ...I think I can, I think I can, I know I can!!!

If you are interested in learning more about the Applied Digital Learning Program, or other programs Lamar has to offer, here is the link...Lamar University: Applied Digital Learning Program


Back to School, (n.d.),

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