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  • Writer's pictureLindsay Krueger

ePortfolio Implementation Outline

Updated: Jul 18, 2023

PHASE 1: Preparation

June – July 2023

  • Establish learning goals and objectives.

  • Complete ePortfolio: include Innovation plan.

  • Research ePortfolios (create an annotated bibliography of resources).

August 2023

  • Share the vision of using ePortfolios in the introductory CTE classes.

    • Share innovation video and proposal with stakeholders:

      • Administration

      • CTE Department Heads

      • IT Department

  • Gather input from stakeholders.

  • Refine proposal based on feedback from stakeholders.

  • Compile program goals based on feedback.

PHASE 2: Planning

August 2023

  • Learning goals and objective:

    • How will ePortfolios enhance learning?

      • CSLE (Creating Significant Learning Environments) & COVA (Choice, Ownership, and Voice through Authentic Learning Opportunities)

      • Real-world connections

      • Increase engagement

      • Assessment of learning

  • Planning ePortfolios:

    • Teacher-guided options:

      • Compilation pages (about, projects, courses)

      • Beginning, middle, and end-of-year growth

      • Reflection posts

    • Student choice:

      • Have the choice of Platforms: Google Sites, WordPress, Wix, Weebly, etc.

      • Have the choice of Devices

    • Reflection Planning:

      • Prepare administrator and teacher surveys.

      • Prepare a self-reflection survey for students.

PHASE 3: Implementation of Pilot

September 2023

  • Feed Forward:

    • Conduct student survey KWL.

    • Conduct administrator and Teacher surveys.

September – December 2023

Pilot Program:

  • Who: Introductory Business Technology classes:

    • Principles of Arts and Tech

    • Intro to Business Management

  • What: Set up and create an ePortfolio.

    • Activate prior knowledge:

      • Knowledge of Google Platform.

      • Other Web-based tools they know.

      • Remind students of goal setting.

      • Create new goals for the course.

    • Acquire new knowledge:

      • Discuss the importance of ePortfolios and how they can initiate CSLE and COVA into student learning.

      • Show students examples of an ePortfolio.

      • Explore platforms with students (Google Sites, WordPress, Wix, Weebly, etc.)

    • Apply new knowledge:

      • Students choose a platform.

      • Students create bones of ePortfolio (allow time for creative development).

      • Students choose an artifact to post on their ePortfolio.

      • Students share links with teachers and classmates.

      • Students provide positive feedback to other students' work.

  • When: 1st Semester

    • Students continue to build ePortfolio adding new reflections and blog posts (at least once a week).

  • How:

    • Evaluation:

      • Participation for 1st semester (students must complete the minimum).

      • Develop a rubric for their ePorfolio 2nd semester on:

        • Did students utilize choice when creating their ePortfolio?

        • Did students take ownership of their ePortfolio?

        • Did they show voice in their ePortfolios and blog posts?

        • Did the reflections and feedback show authentic learning?

    • Feedback from students on using ePortfolios​.

PHASE 4: Continue Pilot and Present Results of Pilot to Stakeholders

January 2024 - May 2024

  • Continue implementing ePorfolios in pilot classes.

  • Reestablish rules and routines.

  • Present examples of pilot ePortfolios to stakeholders.

    • Administration

    • CTE Department Heads

  • Invite CTE teachers to observe students working on ePortfolios.

  • Feedback survey from stakeholders.​

  • Survey students on the implementation of ePortfolios.

  • Refine the plan based on feedback and findings from the pilot.

  • Compile evidence of learning and adjust for next year.

  • Provide Professional Development on creating a teacher ePortfolio for teachers to use next year.

  • Continue Research on global trends in ePortfolios.

PHASE 5: Expand Implementation of ePortfolios to Introductory CTE Courses

August 2024 - May 2025

  • Provide professional development to CTE teachers on the implementation of ePorfolios in their introductory classrooms.

    • Recommend introducing ePortfolios in introductory CTE classes.

    • Share examples of ePortfolios from the pilot class.

  • Pilot classes continue developing their ePortfolios from the previous year and add the secondary course of their pathway.

  • All CTE Introductory courses implement ePorfolios (Ag, Business, Culinary, Education, and Family & Consumer Science).

    • Provide feedback and guidance to teachers.

    • Invite teachers to observe students working on ePortfolios in the pilot class.

  • Check-in once a week with teachers on the implementation of ePortfolios.

  • Conduct survey/feedback from CTE teachers who joined the implementation of ePortfolios

  • Refine plan based on survey/feedback.

PHASE 6: Sustain and Maintain


  • Students continue to add to ePorfolios each additional course in the pathway.

  • New introductory courses implement ePortfolios.

  • Teachers utilize previous year's ePortfolios to see students’ prior knowledge and skills and establish connections to previous learning.

  • Professional development continued as needed.


Harapnuik, D., Thibodeaux, T., & Cummings, C.. (2018). Choice, Ownership,

and Voice through Authentic Learning COVA. Creative Commons License.

Photo: "Growth" by public domain image - Media from Wix

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