PHASE 1: Preparation
June – July 2023
Establish learning goals and objectives.
Complete ePortfolio: include Innovation plan.
Research ePortfolios (create an annotated bibliography of resources).
August 2023
Share the vision of using ePortfolios in the introductory CTE classes.
Share innovation video and proposal with stakeholders:
CTE Department Heads
IT Department
Gather input from stakeholders.
Refine proposal based on feedback from stakeholders.
Compile program goals based on feedback.
PHASE 2: Planning
August 2023
Learning goals and objective:
How will ePortfolios enhance learning?
CSLE (Creating Significant Learning Environments) & COVA (Choice, Ownership, and Voice through Authentic Learning Opportunities)
Real-world connections
Increase engagement
Assessment of learning
Planning ePortfolios:
Teacher-guided options:
Compilation pages (about, projects, courses)
Beginning, middle, and end-of-year growth
Reflection posts
Student choice:
Have the choice of Platforms: Google Sites, WordPress, Wix, Weebly, etc.
Have the choice of Devices
Reflection Planning:
Prepare administrator and teacher surveys.
Prepare a self-reflection survey for students.
PHASE 3: Implementation of Pilot
September 2023
Feed Forward:
Conduct student survey KWL.
Conduct administrator and Teacher surveys.
September – December 2023
Pilot Program:
Who: Introductory Business Technology classes:
Principles of Arts and Tech
Intro to Business Management
What: Set up and create an ePortfolio.
Activate prior knowledge:
Knowledge of Google Platform.
Other Web-based tools they know.
Remind students of goal setting.
Create new goals for the course.
Acquire new knowledge:
Discuss the importance of ePortfolios and how they can initiate CSLE and COVA into student learning.
Show students examples of an ePortfolio.
Explore platforms with students (Google Sites, WordPress, Wix, Weebly, etc.)
Apply new knowledge:
Students choose a platform.
Students create bones of ePortfolio (allow time for creative development).
Students choose an artifact to post on their ePortfolio.
Students share links with teachers and classmates.
Students provide positive feedback to other students' work.
When: 1st Semester
Students continue to build ePortfolio adding new reflections and blog posts (at least once a week).
Participation for 1st semester (students must complete the minimum).
Develop a rubric for their ePorfolio 2nd semester on:
Did students utilize choice when creating their ePortfolio?
Did students take ownership of their ePortfolio?
Did they show voice in their ePortfolios and blog posts?
Did the reflections and feedback show authentic learning?
Feedback from students on using ePortfolios.
PHASE 4: Continue Pilot and Present Results of Pilot to Stakeholders
January 2024 - May 2024
Continue implementing ePorfolios in pilot classes.
Reestablish rules and routines.
Present examples of pilot ePortfolios to stakeholders.
CTE Department Heads
Invite CTE teachers to observe students working on ePortfolios.
Feedback survey from stakeholders.
Survey students on the implementation of ePortfolios.
Refine the plan based on feedback and findings from the pilot.
Compile evidence of learning and adjust for next year.
Provide Professional Development on creating a teacher ePortfolio for teachers to use next year.
Continue Research on global trends in ePortfolios.
PHASE 5: Expand Implementation of ePortfolios to Introductory CTE Courses
August 2024 - May 2025
Provide professional development to CTE teachers on the implementation of ePorfolios in their introductory classrooms.
Recommend introducing ePortfolios in introductory CTE classes.
Share examples of ePortfolios from the pilot class.
Pilot classes continue developing their ePortfolios from the previous year and add the secondary course of their pathway.
All CTE Introductory courses implement ePorfolios (Ag, Business, Culinary, Education, and Family & Consumer Science).
Provide feedback and guidance to teachers.
Invite teachers to observe students working on ePortfolios in the pilot class.
Check-in once a week with teachers on the implementation of ePortfolios.
Conduct survey/feedback from CTE teachers who joined the implementation of ePortfolios
Refine plan based on survey/feedback.
PHASE 6: Sustain and Maintain
Students continue to add to ePorfolios each additional course in the pathway.
New introductory courses implement ePortfolios.
Teachers utilize previous year's ePortfolios to see students’ prior knowledge and skills and establish connections to previous learning.
Professional development continued as needed.
Harapnuik, D., Thibodeaux, T., & Cummings, C.. (2018). Choice, Ownership,
and Voice through Authentic Learning COVA. Creative Commons License.
Photo: "Growth" by public domain image - Media from Wix